Dear Gaby,

Unlike the domain name will suggest, this site is not about science; that was simply the most appropriate domain name available. Other options were "", "", and "", which seemed a bit too on the nose, or otherwise not quite like what I was looking for.

This site is, however, about you, and me, and us: what we have been, what we are, and what we might be in the future.

From the moment I met you, you blew me away with your passion, your drive, your ambition, your enthusiasm, your curiosity, your intelligence, your eagerness to explore, discover and learn, how much of a nerd you are, and how weird you can be in all the right ways. On top of all of that, you are gorgeous, I can't get enough of your eyes and your smile, and the way you look at me makes me feel loved and appreciated in a way I never knew I could be.

Our values, interests, and qualities align more than I thought possible, and we connect on a level that seems once-in-a-lifetime. We talk so effortlessly about anything and everything, whether in person or over thousands of miles of distance, and there is never a dull moment, or a shortage of things to talk about and explore about each other. I feel like I can open up to you about things I don't usually discuss with anyone, and know that you will not hold things against me or judge, but will be respectful, consider my perspective, and that you will always want to know more, not less, as your curiosity is piqued by every layer of my being that you uncover. I like that I can have fun with you, and joke with you, and be silly with you, and then switch to a serious introspective conversation with zero notice and zero trouble, and that you will be there on the same page, right along with me. With every new detail I learn about you, and with every moment spent with you, I am motivated to be the best person I can be, for myself, for you, and for us.

You make me think about things I've never seriously considered before, but that now suddenly feel so right. With you, I can picture myself living together, marrying, and having children, and it doesn't seem foreign or weird me out at all. Instead, the picture is crystal clear, and I see happiness, beautiful kids running around, and us growing old together. You're the first girl I've met that I can actually see myself spending the rest of my life with, and with that prospect I'm excited, not scared.

Perhaps this site actually is about science, chemistry specifically. The amazing one we share, but also the physical chemistry of love. As much as I would like it to be different, the feelings we have for each other right now will at one point lose their intensity as the grip of hormones wears off, and it will be essential that besides us being lovers, you will be my best friend and I will be yours. What will remain will be a deep feeling of trust, of belonging, and of partnership, being in this together, that I can already feel growing inside me and between us. Love is a drug, and the high is amazing, but temporary. What it leaves behind will be different, but great just the same.

As I see it, that's our past, our present, and our future in a nutshell. I think that what we have is and has been amazing. If you are willing to take the plunge with me, I believe with all my heart that we can keep that going for many years to come.

At this point, surely you see where this is going? It all comes down to one question, to make or break everything that we have.

Gaby, will you be my girlfriend?